Major Goals and Objectives for Academic Liberty and Success


 Our primary mission is to provide high quality educational services, mentoring support, as well as personal development resources to improve academic outcomes and overall wellbeing.

Click on the video below to learn about the Major G.O.A.L.S. Organization.

Major G.O.A.L.S. Visits the Cleveland Museum of Art

What can Art be?  As part of our Career Exploration piece, scholars visited the Cleveland Museum of Art to get a hands-on experience and to explore different forms of Art.  The museum is filled with creativity, culture, and history.  Click on the image to see more pictures.

For Families

 When families are positively involved, research shows that  students academic achievement and overall well being improves.

For Educators

When schools, parents, and community organizations work together to support learning everyone benefits.

For Students

Taking responsibility of your own learning is a huge step to success.  But first lets evaluate current behaviors, and habits, to get a sound understanding of what it takes to get to the next level.

For Tutors

Volunteer tutors make a difference in learners lives by, providing invaluable support, and enrichment tools, to improve literacy, confidence, and a love for learning.

For Mentors

Mentors support learning in many ways which may include providing knowledge and advice, as well as professional experience and skills to mentees.

For Community Partners

 Community Partners support learning by allowing students to learn about their community, participate in service-learning projects, and by creating a strong school community culture 


Contact to get more information on the Major G.O.A.L.S. organization